Stay Dry and Secure with the DUOSEAL® Watertight Assembly

Watertight Access Assemblies Installed in the Boston Metropolitan Area
The Boston metropolitan area is vibrant and constantly growing. TOWARDEX, an internet infrastructure provider, is involved in a project to establish the nation's first large-scale subterranean "Meet-Me Street" network in Boston, where internet providers, hyperscalers, and competitive data centers connect their networks together in wholesale volumes out in the streets.
This innovative system is designed to offer extensive network interconnections, utilizing numerous cables linked to Boston's internet networks. To accommodate these cables, an underground tunnel system has been constructed. The subsequent phase of the project involves ensuring that these vaults, which contain hundreds of cables, remain dry and secure.
TOWARDEX's existing approach to waterproofing the vaults relied on an insert positioned beneath the cover to collect any infiltrating water. This method was far from ideal and created a safety risk by causing the cover to sit above the frame.
The Solution
Given the importance of keeping the utility vault dry, EJ presented the DUOSEAL watertight assembly to achieve a watertight seal on the manhole cover. The DUOSEAL assembly has been tested to EJ Watertight Level 8 (L8), meaning it can withstand 3 1/2 atmospheres of pressure (51.45 psi), which is the equivalent of having approximately 118 ft of water on top of the manhole assembly.
James Jun, New England Interconnection Specialist at TOWARDEX, found the concept compelling. Intrigued by the potential benefits, TOWARDEX collaborated with our engineering team to customize the DUOSEAL assemblies with their logo. They proceeded to purchase 10 units to test in the field, eager to assess the performance.
“These beautiful castings, like a fine whiskey, pair very well with the impressive and durable precast concrete structures underneath them,” shared Jun.
TOWARDEX was also able to install locking security bolts to meet the project’s security requirements. Given the multitude of cables in the underground vaults, the waterproof access assemblies and robust security measures were essential for the project's success.
TOWARDEX Shares their Excitement
The Calm After the Storm
After several rainfalls, the DUOSEAL assemblies were inspected to verify that everything below was staying dry. Again, Jun shares his findings, “Wow! Not a drop of water after repeated rains. This is astonishing! We had tons of storm water running like river on top of this cover couple of days ago and the vault underneath has, for the first time, stayed completely dry throughout. This is exactly the solution we’ve been looking for in maintaining our most frequently accessed telecom vaults,” Jun shares as he thanks the “fine folks” over at EJ. This has been an incredible partnership and a job well done.
Inspecting the DUOSEAL Assembly After Heavy Rainfall
Learn More
Talk to an expert at EJ to find out how the innovative features of the DUOSEAL Access Assembly can work for your next project. Contact us today or schedule a Lunch and Learn.