Norme e Regolamenti

Norme e Regolamenti

La Qualità e la Affidabilità sono sinonimi dei prodotti EJ, pertanto, abbiamo selezionato unicamente Enti di certificazione che crediamo supportino gli stessi valori. I prodotti convalidati da un marchio di certificazione di un Ente terzo ed indipendente assicurano il cliente finale affinchè siano completamente soddisfatte tutte le norme applicate.


I prodotti EJ sono certificati dai migliori e accreditati enti, universalmente riconosciuti per la loro qualità.



The AENOR certification mark from the Spanish Association of Standardisation and Certification guarantees conformity to the standard UNE-EN124, refer to Aenor Mark. 

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The BENOR certification mark from the COPRO (impartial Body of Control of Products for the Construction) guarantees the conformity of our products to the standard NBN-EN124 and also to Technical requirements PTV800, PTV801, PTV802.

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The CERTIF certification mark from the Associaçào para a Certificaçào guarantees the conformity of our products to the standard NP-EN124.

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The COPRO certification mark from the COPRO (impartial Body of Control of Products for the Construction) guarantees the conformity of our products to the standard NBN-EN124.

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This certification mark from the Certification and Standardisation Office of Foundry Research Institute guarantees the conformity of our products to the standard NP-EN124 .

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The KITEMARK™ symbol from the BSI (British Standard Institution) guarantees the conformity of our products to the standard BS-EN124.

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The KOMO certification mark from Kiwa N.V. (Certificate en Keuringen) guarantees the conformity of our products to the standard NEN-EN124.

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This certification mark from MPA-HB guarantees the conformity of our products to the standard DIN-EN124.

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NF110 (Voirie)

This certification mark from AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation) guarantees the conformity of our products to the standard NF-EN124 and to the NF110

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The UA certification mark from Salzburg Zert guarantees the conformity of our products to the standard ONORM EN124 as well as to documents ONORM B5110-1 and ONORM B5110-2. 

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The ZAG certification mark from Zavod za gradbenistvo Slovenije guarantees the conformity of our products to the standard SIST EN124 as well as to the technical specification STS-08/022. 

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This certification mark from ZIK (ZAVOD ZA ISPITIVANJE KVALITETE d.o.o.) guarantees the conformity of our products to the standard EN124.

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Technical regulation

EJ products comply with the technical regulation recognized in their country.


EMI (Hungary)

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ICECON (Rumania)

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TSU (Slovaquia)

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Other standards


LPS 1175

 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers.

One of the challenges of making buildings safe and secure, is selecting and installing fire safety and security products that actually do what they claim.

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LPCB certification: et


NF P 98-050-2

This standard guarantees the full compatibility between manhole covers and telecommunications chambers, made according to NF telecommunication P 98-050-1. This standard is dealing with manhole covers assemblies, covering telecommunication infrastructure, from Class A15 to F900, and intended rest on top of telecommunications chambers according to NF standard P 98-050-1. It defines the general technical requirements for the manufacturing of products, static tests, and applicable controls. 

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Certification NF362 (Réseaux secs)

This certification mark from AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation) guarantees the conformity of our products to the standard NF P 98-050-2 and to the NF362

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Classification/Usage suivant EN 124


Groupe 1 (Classe A15 minimum)

Groupe 2 (Classe B125 minimum)

Groupe 3 (Classe C250 minimum)

Groupe 4 (Classe D400 minimum)

Groupe 5 (Classe E600 minimum)

Groupe 6 (Classe F900)

Zones susceptibles d’être utilisées exclusivement par des piétons et des cyclistes.

Zones piétonnes et zones comparables, aires de stationnement et parkings à étages pour voitures.

Pour les dispositifs de couronnement installés dans la zone des caniveaux ou bordures longeant les voies de circulation et les trottoirs (Figure 5) qui, mesurée à partir de la bordure, s'étend au maximum à 0,5 m côté voie de circulation, et au maximum à 0,2 m côté zone piétonne.

Voies de circulation des routes (y compris les rues piétonnes), accotements stabilisés (Figure 6) et aires de stationnement pour tous types de véhicules routiers.

Zones imposant des charges à l'essieu élevées, par exemple docks, chaussées pour avions.

Zones imposant des charges à l’essieu particulièrement élevées, par exemple chaussées pour avions.


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