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EJ USA, Inc. manufactured products are melted, poured, finished, machined, coated, and assembled exclusively in the United States of America. This includes but is not limited to: manhole frames and covers, curb inlets and frames, utility castings, airport and port authority castings, tree grates, trench grates, drainage grates, WaterMaster® fire hydrants, FlowMaster® RW gate valves, valve boxes and meter boxes. Material certifications are available by request per project.
Modern Manufacturing

Clearly marked with pride
Our country of origin markings are cast in the product in compliance with the Federal country-of-origin marking law. A special statutory marking law for manhole rings, frames and covers states markings must be on the top surface so you can visually see where the product was made once installed. Learn more

Committed to American manufacturing
Our modern manufacturing plants employ world class machinery, systems, and processes to produce specified products efficiently and on time. Manufacturing locations are found in Warner Township, MI; Ardmore, OK; Schroeppel, NY; Muskegon, MI; and Tooele, UT.

Family owned for over 135 years
EJ is a family owned company that has a long history of fostering strong customer relationships throughout North America. The first foundry was established in East Jordan, Michigan, USA in 1883. In the 1990s, new acquisitions throughout the United States allowed the company to expand product lines, sales offices, distribution capabilities and customer service across North America. Distribution coverage continues to expand into new markets.
Buy American Act
Passed by Congress in 1933 and signed by President Hoover, this broad act stated that all goods for public use (government projects) must be produced or manufactured in the U.S. from "substantially all" U.S. materials.
Learn more at: Buy American 41 U.S.C. 83, published 1/3/2012
Buy America Act
A number of Buy America laws apply to various federal assistance infrastructure programs. These laws require that American-made municipal castings must be used in federally-assisted, state and local-level public works infrastructure projects that are funded or financed with federal U.S. taxpayer dollars.
As a condition for the award of federal financial assistance from these programs, states must agree to construct transportation infrastructure projects with iron, steel, and manufactured products produced in the United States. These federal-assistance Buy America laws apply to federal assistance provided by the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, High-Speed and Intercity Passenger Rail Program, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Railroad Administration, and AMTRAK. This includes (but is not limited to): efforts to construct, maintain or improve roads, highways, interstates, bridges, airports, transportation infrastructure drainage systems, and utility relocations.
The municipal castings covered by these laws include: access hatches; ballast screens; benches (iron or steel); bollards; cast bases; cast iron hinged hatches, square and rectangular; cast iron riser rings; catch basin inlet; cleanout/monument boxes; construction covers and frames; curb and corner guards; curb openings; detectable warning plates; downspout shoes (boot, inlet); drainage grates, frames and curb inlets; inlets; junction boxes; lampposts; manhole covers, rings and frames, risers; meter boxes; service boxes; steel hinged hatches, square and rectangular; steel riser rings; trash receptacles; tree grates; tree guards; trench grates; and valve boxes, covers and risers.
Waivers may be obtained if applying for these requirements would be inconsistent with the public interest, iron and steel products are not available in sufficient and reasonably available quantities, or the inclusion of domestic materials would increase the cost of the overall project by more than 25 percent.
Learn more at:
- Buy America Act 49 CFR 661, published 10/1/2012
- Federal Highway Administration Buy America U.S.C. Title 23 Highways
- Federal Transit Administration
- Federal Aviation Administration 49 USC 50101
- Federal Railroad Administration 49 USC 24405
- AMTRAK 49 USC 24305
EPA American Iron and Steel (AIS) Provision
This provision requires Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) assistance recipients to use domestic iron and steel. This requirement applies to construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of a public water system or treatment works.
Learn more at: EPA American Iron and Steel (AIS) Requirement
Located near you
Our distribution network, manufacturing facilities, sales locations across the U.S., and highly developed understanding of local cultures and standards puts us in a perfect place to back our solutions with knowledgeable and responsive customer service. Our modern, regional production capabilities put inventories within quick reach of our customers. The result: Our customers have unrivaled access to innovations, inventories and service in the field.

Request EJ for your projects
We can help make sure your projects comply with these federal regulations. Certification concerning country of origin and technical drawings of products manufactured by EJ USA Inc. are available upon request. Contact us today or schedule a Lunch and Learn today.